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Three Cubed

Nov 2015

I'll be exhibiting 33 at the Maison des arts de Créteil for their "Tu fais quoi pour ta planète?" exhibition, organised around the COP21 events, from december 2nd to febuary 28th.


The mini-games are very easy, and simple in concept : save a penguin from the rising waters, sort recyclable waste, and transform cars into cows to lower the pollution level.


But at every new mini-game, you have to entirely rewire the controller : the actions are randomly set to wires, so you'll have to change what buttons they are plugged into.


The simpleness of the games is in contrast with the complicatedness of either rewiring the controller, or adapting oneself to the current, unoptimised, controller layout.


The overall idea is to go through the concept that, for every complicated or delicate subject (such as the environment, immigration, or relationships), even simple ideas may be complicated set up and put into motion.


Credits :

I did every aspect of the project.


Software used :

Unity3D (C#)


Currently exhibiting at the Maison des Arts de Créteil !

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